Migraine headaches are debilitating!
If you suffer with them, you know you’ll do just about anything to make the pain stop.
The good news is that while consumers spend over $17 billion to treat migraines and headaches, you don’t have to be one of them.
Patients who get regular chiropractic adjustments report having up to 90% less migraine episodes. Additionally, the headaches they do get are shorter in duration and less severe.
Chiropractic also offers you the opportunity to become less reliant on migraine medication. With regular spinal manipulation, my patients often report that they spend less time sleeping off a migraine and migraine medication.
Instead, the quality of their lives dramatically improves. They spend more time doing what they love!
Regular chiropractic adjustments can change the quality of your life, and so can dietary changes. Hand in hand with regular spinal manipulation, I have also found 11 migraine triggers, some are dietary; some are not:
Be mindful of your lifestyle and see if avoiding any of the above makes a difference.
But What if Avoidance Isn't Enough and You Still Get Regular, Debilitating Migraines?
Nearly 20% of patients experiencing chronic headache pain have cervicogenic headaches. That means the pain is actually coming from your neck. In fact, the neck will hurt as well as the head.
Although cervicogenic headaches act like tension or migraine headaches, the pain is actually caused as a result of of injury or some other trauma. A car accident would be a good example of a cervicogenic headache.
The patient’s range of motion is seriously compromised and substantially impacts quality of life. Chiropractic is a good fit for this kind of impairment as well.
As with all my new chiropractic patients, I will give you a thorough exam and will take x-rays to determine if your headache is actually an impairment in your neck. Then we will work together to get your neck back in alignment again.
Whether you suffer from stress headaches or cervicogenic headaches, set up an appointment to talk with me. I’ve been successfully treating headaches and migraines in Staunton, VA for over 20 years.
Let me be your partner in health so that you can have a lot more good days than bad days without relying on medication! Call us today: 540-886-5500
Next: How Chiropractic Can Help Manage Fibromyalgia Symptoms